Sunday, February 02, 2025

So Many Languages...

 It's been a LONG time since I have last posted here. Life is funny that way.

I found myself going from a full-time (unpaid) game developer, to a full-time contractor for accounting programs coding in VBA and moving into C# and SQL Server - to then being hired as a full-time Java web developer.

Needless to say, I find myself constantly bouncing from one coding language to another. It's always fun having to make adjustments in syntax as you go from one to the other.


System.out.println("Some text..."); 


Console.WriteLine("Some text..."); 


console.log("Some text..."); 

All do the same exact thing, write the words Some Text... to the dev console.  Case matters.

For-each loops are another one. Let's say you want to iterate through an array of 10 numbers:


for (int number : numbers) { // do some stuff here....}


for (int number in numbers) { // do some stuff here....}


numbers.foreach((number) => {

// Do some stuff here...});

The reason I am focused on these three languages at the moment - outside of the fact I use them at my
job - is that I also use them in my free time when I am doing game development.

When using monoGame and XNA, it's C#. For libGDX or game prototyping, it's Java. For web
games, it's been javaScript. When using Godot, I go with their Python-ish GDScript. I tried
using C#, but found the bouncing around between IDEs to be a bit a pain.

Over the course of the last 15 or so years, I have written numerous small games because I like
the challenge. Lately I have been on a heavy browser based games coding kick. I like the idea of being
accessible to the masses. A lot has changed on the game dev front. Most notably that it is much cheaper to develop. Blender has
become a powerhouse for 3d modeling and it's free. There are lots of great graphics and drawing
software available that is also free or very reasonably priced. Krita, Inkscape, Aseprite are all excellent. Tutorials or help with coding issues is ridiculously accessible for nearly everything. I think back to the thousands of dollars I dropped for 3d Studio, Adobe Creative Suite, various plug-ins, etc.
from when I tried game development full-time and I cringe. The only cost now is time and figuring out which
language game X,Y or Z should be written in.